It's just me...when boredom strikes.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 | 6:49 AM | 0 comments
Whaddup yo! I don't even know why I'm doing this but ugh, I guess I'm just too bored tonight.
Yep, way too bored....
But now that I'm already here, I want to wish all the best to the 96's boys and girls for their SPM results tomorrow. You guys must be freaking out right now but hey look on the bright side, things are gonna be over real soon! Heads up, seniors! Whatever your results will be, accept it whole-heartedly.
O wait, am I in the right position to give advices? :/
Okay whatever it is, I really hope you guys get the best results which suit your efforts. Don't worry, Allah knows what's the best for you. Don't ever blame anything or anyone. Just accept it no matter what.
As a person who doesnt even sit for SPM yet, I'm sorry if you think I'm in no position to say anything.
Next chapter,
I am really just too bored and I just want to keep ranting in this old blog. Well I'm trying to be an active blogger again. But the difference between the current me and the old me is, I am no longer as creative as I was before, word-wise I mean. I've always had something that I want to talk about. And I no longer have that now.
Yep, sucks.
And the next chapter,
So guys, do you have that one friend who neglects you when they're happy? Or that one friend who finds you only when they're in need? Or that one friend who leaves whenever he/she finds a new friend? Or that one friend who doesnt care about what you feel?
I'm dang sure you've got those kinda friends. So my question is...
How do you guys cope with those friends ?
Do you ignore them? Or do you just be as patient as you can and let them do whatever they want? I seriously don't know how to react to these kinda friends. But all this while, I've just been as patient as I can. I just cant say anything because I'm afraid I might hurt them and they'll leave me for good. And by 'for good', I mean 'forever'.
Well some of you might ask,
"Why would you wanna keep those kinda friends? They dont worth your time."
I seriously have no answer to this. Haha. I feel like I have to. I dont have that many friends. And maybe it's because I really treasure each friend of mine. My friends, WAGs especially, are a big part of my life. I'm not saying that I'm gonna die without them, but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna survive this tough world without them.
More chapter,
Okay this chapter thingy is seriously a crap. Haha. Bear with me, mates.
Alright now, have you guys (especially girls) felt so insecure and self-conscious that you just think of quitting life? Well, I have.
To describe myself, I'd say that I'm a very paranoid person. Like very very very paranoid. I tend to think of the negative possibilities that might happen in my life. I am also extremely self-conscious. I'm not even joking when I said 'extremely'.
Yep, I am.
I tend to think that I'm not good enough for anyone. I tend to think that I'm not worthy to be chosen by anyone. I tend to think that people I love will leave me. Well some of them did left, which made my paranoia got even worse.
Yep, deep thoughts which are mostly the bad ones keep invading my mind. I'm the type of girl who sometimes cried myself to sleep over stupid things. I overthink things that I am not supposed to take so seriously.
I'm happy with my life now, I guess. I have WAGs, who stays by me when I'm in need. I have Wesley, a guy from the Internet who ended up being my virtual sibling. The best Internet friend I've ever had. Well he's not just a friend, he's more like a brother, a best friend and a soulmate. And by soulmate, I dont mean that kind of soulmates who are madly in love like couples.
Soulmate here means,
So yea, this is what I mean by soulmate.
And that's the end of this post. Thanks for wasting your time reading my craps. See ya!