Random babbles.
Friday, March 21, 2014 | 8:47 PM | 0 comments
Whatsup nigguhs?! Yo feelin' a bit vibrant today so decided to update another blog post. Meow. My blog posts are usually just some random rants about my life and so on. Plotless. Well uh, I'm not writing a story after all.
So what exactly did I do today? Or this morning I should say since it's only 11.03am here. Haha. Well I went swimming with Mimi and Bat! *throws confetti* Okay lol that was not necessary. The swimming session was fun of course. I dont really have the idea to elaborate this part. Sucks.
Back to yesterday,
As all of you knew, yesterday was the beginning of one week of the school break!
~(^-^~) ~(^-^)~ (~^-^)~
Being damn bored, I went on Omegle. Hey, keep your negative thoughts to yourselves and keep reading first. Then judge. So I went on Omegle with the tags 'malaysia' and 'malaysian'. And I met loads of Malaysians. Some are cool, some are fun, some wanted to 'stay as anonymous' and there was this one group of people, yeap those typical kinda people on Omegle, perverts.
I seriously hate this kind of people okay. Looking for 'fun' on Omegle. I use Omegle to find new friends (and that's how I met Wesley). But thats's not actually my point here, I just wanna stress some things that our society had wrongly assumed.
Not all people on Omegle are bad, perverted and whatever bad qualitites that are in your mind. It actually depends on you, on us, on the person who use Omegle.
For example,
You're using Omegle and you're connected to a pervert. Hey, dont you know that you can always choose to either disconnect that person or keep the conversation going? It's all up to you. If you choose to keep the conversation going, then the bad is you. Not Omegle.
So please people,
Stop giving me that ew-this-girl-use-Omegle look whenever I say I'm on Omegle. Stop giving me responses like "Omg you use Omegle?!" while gasping. Stop acting like it is a crime to use Omegle. I dont go on Omegle looking for perverts. I hate perverts for God's sake. And stop judging people before you find out the real story about them. Judging people doesnt make you any better than the people you judge. It even makes people hate you, because you're disrespectful.
Hah, I've ran out of words. Haha. See ya in next post, lovelies! Xx