2017. Already?
Sunday, January 1, 2017 | 6:56 AM | 0 comments
Whaaaaadup! Gosh it's a new year already. I didnt even post anything here throughout 2016 and now it's 2017? Already? The last time i posted an entry, it was 4 weeks after I started matriculation life. Now? I'm currently struggling for the finals, as a degree student. How time flies, people. The last time I post I was just a matriculation students striving to survive, to adapt to the new environment. Now I'm here, missing whatever I had back in those days.
Yeah. I miss those days in college. Being in uni is so different. But it's still just as fun. However, I cant help but to miss being in matrics. Mostly because I missed my companions in matrics. I miss my crazy dorky good-for-nothing mates. I cant believe I used to say I couldnt wait to get out of there, I couldnt wait to finish my matriculation year. It was a so-called hell for me. Now here I am, wanting to experience back those days even for once. How I wish time-travelling is an actual thing. I would love to time travel and go back to the days we had birthday surprises for each other, the day we went a little crazy and stay out overnight, had fun at Lost World, created chaos in the terminal, usual weekend gathering sesh at dataran exchanging ghost stories. I miss you guys, FabsO and Cargas. More than anything right now. Though you guys are sometimes a pain in the ass. But hey, so am I. Haha. But no, not possible, is it? None of those is possible. No going back to those time no matter how much I long for it. Another 4 months and it will mark one year of us leaving our matriculation days. Except for the PDT students la kan hahaha but guys, I miss you. All of you.
Anyways, life goes on right? It's 1/1/2017. The first day of a whole new year. Oh yeah before that, Happy New Year! So, how was 2016 for you? I hope it was good for you. Mine? I really have no idea how to describe how my 2016 had been. It was at some point so good I did not want it to end, but there are days that I thought "2016 is so not my year.". There are days where I wished I didnt have to go through what I've faced. But to think of it now, it's silly. Whatever happens in my life, it's the result of my own choices. No one forced me to do the decisions I made. Even if some did try forcing me, it still was my choice to go through with the decision that didnt make me comfortable. In the end, it all still happened because of my own doings.
I'm a degree student now. I'm hoping I would stop making reckless decisions. I'm hoping I would become an even more matured person, considering the fact that I'm no longer a "teen". Yeah, I'm 20 now like wtf this feels so unreal. Well technically, I just turned 19 last November but still, I'll be turning 20 this year. Smh. As for my life as a degree student, i guess it's safe to say that it has been going great. It's almost the end of the semester though. Even though there are only 25 of us degree students in this whole campus, it's really not so bad. We bonded better than we thought we would. I'm looking forward to spending another 5 semesters with you people.
For 2017, I just wanna thank those who remain by my side. Those who saw me at my worst and chose to stay being with me, thank you. Thank you for not giving up on this girl. Thank you for having my back at all times. Thank you, for staying. Those who saw my flaws and decided you couldnt accept them and leave, thank you. Thank you for spending some of your time with me. Thank you, for coming into my life, creating memories for me to cherish even when we're practically strangers right now. Thank you, for making me realise that some people arent meant to be in our lives forever, sometimes they come and go, leaving precious lessons.
And to anyone reading up to this point, thanks for reading? Haha. How did you manage to read my nonsense haha but anyways, thank you though. I hope your 2017 will go just the way you want it to. Stay safe, stay healthy!