Life's turning point.
Thursday, June 25, 2015 | 10:40 AM | 0 comments
How's everyone doing? I hope you're in the pink of health. Unfortunately, I'm not, mentally. It has only been 4 weeks since I entered matriculation college yet I'm already on my edge. I never thought it could be this bad. I was so excited about registering here I didn't see what's coming after me. Like seriously, my early eagerness, excitement ended up killing me lol typical Ameera I must say.
However, lets not talk about the bad ones now. Says someone who started her writing with negativity. Sucks. Okay so as y'all know now, it's almost the end of my 4th week in Perak's Matriculation College, or most likely known as KMPk. Fxck, I'm already out of ideas. This is what happens when you multitask. Twitter and Blogging. Hahaha.
So where was I? Oh yeah, college. Seriously, being in college is a whole lot different from those days back in high school. My schedule is so packed it's literally suffocating. The lectures are damn fast I'm barely catching up. But in Physics, I'm so left behind. Physics has always been my nightmare since high school after all. Some of my mates think I'm a weirdo for preferring Biology over Physics. Well, I like math and I hate reading but I guess it is safe to say I'm weird since I hate Physics, which is a calculative subject and loves Biology, a reading subject. Way to go, Ameera.
Speaking of mates, I don't know how I should put this in words but generally, I must say I have a bunch of crazy awesome mates here. Though we do have misunderstandings and fights and harsh jokes (Already. Yeah I know :p), there hasn't been a time when I regret meeting and knowing all of them though I have to admit I did have the intention to quit being here for some personal reasons. But, some people made me have second thoughts. Thanks to them. I'm grateful I didn't move out of this college.
AAAAAAND, my roommates! Hahaha. Lisa, Madi and Snoopy. Yep, 4 girls in a room. We are fortunate though, some rooms are occupied with 5 students ugh even the thought of it makes me suffocate. Anyhow, I'm soooo thankful I have such great roommates and we get along so well. I guess my 10 months of being in college won't be that bad. I hope so.
Oh yeah I forgot about one thing, it's my first Ramadan being apart from my family! I admit it feels weird and sad of course. One thing is because I missed having iftar with my family. Every year, we would have the very first iftar with my big family, the one including my grandma, uncles and aunts. But this year, I had my first iftar with my roommates. Well not that Im saying it's a bad thing, it's great in fact. But deep down inside, it just felt...different. Of course it was. I'm just not used to it.
Do I miss my family?
Of course. Including the now-grown-up brat, Farhan? NOPE. Whatever. Haha. I bet they missed me even more. We've never been apart since I was born. Literally. Well the longest was 3 weeks. Hahahaha. I'm pretty sure Mama missed nagging me, Abah missed covering me up whenever I did something that could blew Mama off and of course Parhan missed picking a fight with me. Keep missing me folks! :p
But most of all, I missed the food I usually have at home /cries a river/ Especially now in Ramadan. Oh how I missed going to bazaar with Abah and being able to pick whatever I wanna eat. I missed having roasted chicken for iftar, lasagna, and the most essential one, Mama's cooking. Now I feel like crying. Haha. I have 18 more days to spend in college before being able to go home for a 2 weeks break. Yeah baby. Excuse me I'm high, overdosed with caffeine.
But yeah, I guess that is all I have to say about my college life now. With my hectic schedule, I'm impressed I have time to do this shit but screw it! YOLO~
Till next post!😎