Birthday wishes in one post.
Thursday, April 10, 2014 | 6:24 AM | 0 comments
What's up, guys? How've you been doing? I hope you guys are doing just fine. Oh well, I think the title has explained it all. Basically this post is just to sum up all the birthday wishes that have not been posted on this blog yet. So here they are!
Yaya, your birthday wish is at the bottom. Scroll down if you dont wanna read the others' wishes. Xoxo
First of all,
Her birthday was on 10th January. And I think I forgot to wish her happy birthday. I am really terribly sorry for that. But anyways, I hope you had a blast on your big day! I hope everything went just as you wanted. May Allah grants your wishes and may both of us excel in our studies! Love you xx
Second of all,
Opie's birthday was on 31st January. And I didnt forget to wish her happy birthday yay! She's like the most innocent person in our group of friends, like she's the only one who's not a pervert (but I'm positive that she's a pervert in disguise) haha sorry Opie. She's that one friend with very well-arranged teeth, which I'm envious of. Opie, being the most polite and quiet (really?!) in our little group. Thank you, Opie! For being such a great friend. I hope you're happy with whoever you are right now. Dalam diam kan...Hahaha. I hope Allah grants your wishes, be the best daughter for your parents and the best sister for your siblings. May we both excel in our studies! Amiiin. Love you xx
Third of all,
Haziqah's or Zee's birthday was on March 12th. She's a pervert, believe me. Don't fall for her deceiving looks. Haha. She plays violin, she sings. Uh what else do you need from a girl? xD Oh not to mention she has long legs. Okay wtf am I talking about. Alright, now Zee. Happy belated birthday! I didnt forget to wish you okay. I overslept! Haha. Congratulations for your new obsession! *whispers* kpop... Don't worry if anyone bashes you or whatever, the others got your back, Hun. *pats shoulder* Thanks for all your 'bekal' during recess, especially my favourite Omelette! Hahaha. And stop condemning my brownies! Oh whatever, it's not like you're gonna listen anyway :p So yea, may the odds be ever in our favors! I hope you have a great coming life. And I hope you can decide on what to buy for your birthday present. And may both us succeed in our lives! Love you xx
Fourth of all,
So Orasa's birthday was on March 27th. Aw my friend is officially 17. Babe, get a driving license! Haha. So, Orasa is one of the group's hardcore kpoppers. She likes pink way too much. She wants everything to be pink if possible. She's got a perfect curvy body. O damn, no I'm not trying to make it sound perverted. It's just, I really like her body figure. It's a perfect shape for a girl in my opinion. Tsk, this is too much of a compliment. Haha. So babe, I hope you like your present; pink strawberry pillow. Don't share it la aiyo! Haha. Thanks for being a great friend all this while. May both of us succeed in our lives. Love you xx
Last but not least,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAYAAAAA ! *throws confetti*
So it's Yaya's birthday today! Well, not today. Her birthday is on April 12th. So, few hours to go! I'm posting this now because I dont know whether I'll be able to stay awake until 12.00 am or not. Haha. Sorry, Yaya! But anyway, happy birthdaaaaay! Mama says happy birthday too! Girl, thanks for being such a good friend (even tho sometimes quite grumpy). I cant be more grateful to have you as well as the other gays in my life. Since you call my mum 'Mama' as well, it just feels like we really are related by blood. I dont regret for introducing you to my mum, even tho she kinda loves you more now. Haha. Mama loves you okay tsk tsk. We should hang out again some other time. Come sleep over and bake with me and Mama again. Yaya, almost 3 years of friendship is not enough to make me know you completely. Honestly, I dont know you or the others completely. But I hope I know you guys well enough to not offend any of you. I really hope this friendship is going to stay like this forever. O wait, I want this friendship to get stronger day by day. This may sound gay-ish, but I love you guys to bits! Have a blast on your big day, Yaya! Get a driving license asap I need a driver ! Haha kidding. May Allah grants your wishes and may both of us succeeds in our lives. Love you xx